Singing Guide: Ben Lee

Singing Guide: Ben Lee

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ben Lee is an Australian singer-songwriter who has a unique singing style. He is known for his light, airy vocals that convey a sense of playfulness and are often accompanied by whimsical acoustic guitar instrumentals. In this article, we will explore Ben Lee's vocal style and look at some tips and resources to help you learn to sing like him.

Vocal Style

Ben Lee's vocal style is characterized by his light, airy tone. He uses a lot of head voice and falsetto, and his singing often has a whimsical or childlike quality. Lee has a natural vibrato in his voice which helps to create a sense of warmth and emotion in his singing.

Lee's vowels are often elongated, creating a sustained, ethereal quality to his voice. He also employs a lot of dynamic contrast, shifting between soft and loud dynamics to keep the listener engaged.

Lee's unique vocal style shines in his music, especially in songs like "Catch My Disease" and "We're All in This Together". These songs showcase his playful, whimsical style and are great examples to study if you want to learn to sing like Ben Lee.

Practical Advice

To learn to sing like Ben Lee, you should focus on developing a light, airy tone in your singing. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Practice using your head voice and falsetto. These are key elements of Ben Lee's vocal style. Practice singing scales and exercises using these registers to help strengthen them.
  • Focus on using a light and relaxed vocal tone. Avoid using too much force or tension in your chest voice.
  • Experiment with elongating your vowels and adding vibrato to your singing. This will help to create the sustained, ethereal quality in your voice that Ben Lee is known for.
  • Work on your dynamic control. Practice shifting smoothly between soft and loud dynamics to keep your singing interesting and engaging.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a range of tools and resources to help you learn to sing like Ben Lee. Here are some links to resources that will be particularly helpful:

  • Use the vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it to Ben Lee's.
  • Use the pitch accuracy test to assess your pitch accuracy and work on tuning your voice.
  • Use the vocal pitch monitor to see your sung notes on a virtual piano and improve your pitch control.
  • Check out Singing Carrots' pitch training tools and exercises to help you improve range and agility.
  • Use the search songs feature to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preferences.
  • Look up Ben Lee's vocal range on Singing Carrots to compare it to your own.
  • Check out Singing Carrots' singing course to learn singing theory and practical tips to help you improve your vocals.


Ben Lee has a unique vocal style that can be characterized by his light, airy tone, use of head voice and falsetto, and dynamic contrast. By focusing on developing a light and relaxed vocal tone, working on your dynamic control, and experimenting with elongating your vowels and adding vibrato, you can learn to sing like Ben Lee. Remember to use Singing Carrots' valuable resources to assist you in your vocal development. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.